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Learn How To Build A 6 Figure Dropshipping Store

Stop wasting your time and money on old and ineffective strategies and learn how to build a NEW-AGE profitable dropshipping store.


1 on 1 Mentorship

In the 1 on 1 mentorship program, my team and I will mentor you 1on1 personally, we will be teaching you everything from how to find winning products, how to write proper product descriptions, pricing your products correctly, the marketing strategies that we have personally tested to go from testing products to scaling ads in detail, also all the other tools you need to run profitable ad campaigns. 


Overall we will be teaching you everything that you need to know to build a profitable six-figure dropshipping brand.

This isn't a 1-month mentorship and goodbye program, I'll be helping you personally 3months, 6months, 12month + down the line and you'll always have access to me for as long as you want.


24x7 Personal Access

You will have access to Joshua's Personal Number and you will be connected to him 24x7 via Whatsapp. 

Whenever you have a question or need help with anything you can directly message Joshua on his Whatsapp and he will get back to you as soon as possible. 

The goal behind him giving you access to his personal Whatsapp is to make sure you are never left in the dark wondering what you should do next and you always have a shoulder looking over you and helping you 24x7 with your journey.


Access To A 7-Figure Team

You will have access to Joshua's own team of experts from Media Buyers/Advertisers that have managed 7 Figures in ads to experienced Copywriters, Developers, Email Marketers, Product Analysts, and more. 

The team will be assisting you with every step of the process and will be there as support for whenever you face a road-block or need help with anything. 

With hands-on assistance of the team, our goal is to make sure we leave no stone unturned in helping you build a profitable store


Hours Worth Of Training

Not only will you get mentored 1 on 1 but you will also receive step-by-step detailed training videos.

You will be sent a detailed training video for each and every important topic and this covers product research, store designing, product description, Facebook ad strategies, and every other important topic as well. 

We have done this to make sure you do not have any difficulty with any of the steps and if you do you can easily look back to it using the training and can also learn at your own pace as we go.

Also, you will have lifetime access to all of these trainings.

$21k In 31 Days

Sam has been working with us for 5 months and he recently did $21,000+ in sales in just 31 days. 

He started off as a complete beginner, with no experience in ecommerce. He wanted to start dropshipping and had spent close to a month trying to build his own store and find products but didn't get much done due to no real guidance and help. 

That is when he reached out to us and joined our program. We started from scratch and helped him build everything from the ground up, taught him product research, helped him not only find winning products but also build a high converting branded store. 

His store took off as soon as we launched the ads and we knew we had a winning product on our hands, from there we focused on overall growth of his store from customer experience, to increasing profit margins and helping him scale his ads profitably. 

Since then, we've helped him launch more products and he recently did $21,000+ in sales in just 31 Days!

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200+ Successful Students

We've worked with 100s of dropshippers around the world and have been able to help them build and scale an incredibly profitable and successful dropshipping business

🏆 $19K In 30 Days!

He was stuck at $2k/month before joining our program. It's been 2 months and he did over $19k in 1 month using our proven strategies.


🏆 $12K In 27 Days!

4th month working with us and she's closing the month at $12k+ in sales with about $5000 in profit. Launching new product soon while scaling this.


🏆 $10.7K In 25 Days!

Started working with him 2 months ago. Complete beginner - new store started from $0. After helping him find the perfect target audience with proper testing, we then moved into slowly scaling horizontally.


$60k In 6 Months

Jason joined the program about 9 months ago and prior to working with us, he had been dropshipping for more than 6 months and have multiple stores varying from general to niche to one product. 

He had tested a lot of products in different niches and had spent multiple 4 figures on Facebook ads trying to get sales but wasn't successful. 

His most successful store had $700 in sales in 1 month however he had spent close to $2500 on ads for that store, leaving him very unprofitable.

After joining our program, we revamped everything from his store, to products, and after just 1 month he started seeing profitable results. We progressed slowly while testing multiple products and now in just 6 months he has crossed $60,000 in sales, maintaining an average of $10k per month. 


Jason is currently on track to cross $100k in this year alone, meaning he already has a 6 Figure Dropshipping Store. 

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Want Us To Help You Build A Successful Store?

Our Mission

Dropshipping is not what it used to be and it has changed a lot throughout the years. We’re on a mission to reform the way people dropship and help them build actual successful brands.

Our goal is to help you grow and build a successful branded dropshipping store and we do this by taking out all the guesswork. Traditional dropshipping strategies are outdated and the way to success is new age branded dropshipping. Period.

© 2022 by Build Your Ecomm

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